Why Choose Us
It is really our approaches of which we take pride in that make us noteworthy in the intellectual property community.
At Author IP, we adopt the practice of ‘think before action’. From our perspective, a good thinking process resembles a fundamental building block that is used as a base to build a solution. When we are helping our client to overcome difficult situation, we constantly remind ourselves to take a step back and look at the picture at whole before deciding on any action to take or moving on to fine tune the details, which eventually lead us to achieve desirable results. This approach subsequently enables us to foresee a problem that may potentially arise in the future, and thus giving us the opportunity to forewarn our client and steer their direction away from the possible problem.
With the implementation of ‘think before action’ practice together with the proper expertise and knowledge in law, technical, and business that relate to intellectual property, we guarantee you that the services including the works produced will be of professional standard as we understand this will grant you strong exclusive rights.
As far as we are concerned, it is imperative to assess the quality of services and works produced so that the same is always maintained at the highest standard. In order to do so, we adopt the practice of doing all works internally, which in turn also shortens the time period to complete works, and reduce the risk of leak of confidential information.
The services that we provide at Author IP are highly personalized. We adopt the practice of dealing with you and your personnel on a one-to-one basis to facilitate fast and responsive actions. In order words, only one professional will be assigned to oversee all your needs besides managing your intellectual property port folio. Through this single point of contact, you will experience our undivided attention, and hence eliminating any unnecessary confusion and communication error.
“Expand your business to any part of the world without the need to worry about your exclusive rights”
The above message is what we at Author IP would like to convey to you when it comes to protecting your intellectual property at foreign countries which can be done swiftly without a hitch. With our comprehensive global network and highly professional associates, we can assure you that your intellectual assets and interests are in good hand and well taken care of.